To please the eyes of the greedy shoesaholic there’s an ummissable exhibition in Vigevano (Pavia). Set in the old castle, the perfect frame for such beautiful creatures, the exhibition is dedicated to high heels, a passion for girls and a feticism for some men. Definitely a weapon of masses distraction since they first appeared, 3500 years ago. «Il tacco a spillo. Fascino e seduzione» ( High heels, charm and seduction) opened in February and you still have just a few days to visit it, till March 25th.
You will find shoes from the early 50s until nowdays. Sorry, you can not try em on but you can surely dream of them, for days and days.
From haute couture ones until retro and eclectic models you will be able to see what a pair of high heels can do, as Marliyn Monroe said: “I don’t know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot”.
So get ready, and don’t forget your shoes!